Source code for ofxclient.client

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import unicode_literals
    # python 3
    from http.client import HTTPSConnection
except ImportError:
    # python 2
    from httplib import HTTPSConnection
import logging
import time
    # python 3
    from urllib.parse import splittype, splithost
except ImportError:
    # python 2
    from urllib import splittype, splithost
import uuid


LINE_ENDING = "\r\n"

def ofx_uid():
    return str(uuid.uuid4().hex)

[docs]class Client: """This communicates with the banks via the OFX protocol :param institution: institution to connect to :type institution: :py:class:`ofxclient.Institution` :param id: client id (optional need for OFX version >= 103) :type id: string :param app_id: OFX app id :type app_id: string :param app_version: OFX app version :type app_version: string :param ofx_version: OFX spec version :type ofx_version: string """
[docs] def __init__( self, institution, id=ofx_uid(), app_id=DEFAULT_APP_ID, app_version=DEFAULT_APP_VERSION, ofx_version=DEFAULT_OFX_VERSION ): self.institution = institution = id self.app_id = app_id self.app_version = app_version self.ofx_version = ofx_version self.cookie = 3
def authenticated_query( self, with_message=None, username=None, password=None ): """Authenticated query If you pass a 'with_messages' array those queries will be passed along otherwise this will just be an authentication probe query only. """ u = username or self.institution.username p = password or self.institution.password contents = ['OFX', self._signOn(username=u, password=p)] if with_message: contents.append(with_message) return LINE_ENDING.join([self.header(), _tag(*contents)]) def bank_account_query(self, number, date, account_type, bank_id): """Bank account statement request""" return self.authenticated_query( self._bareq(number, date, account_type, bank_id) ) def credit_card_account_query(self, number, date): """CC Statement request""" return self.authenticated_query(self._ccreq(number, date)) def brokerage_account_query(self, number, date, broker_id): return self.authenticated_query( self._invstreq(broker_id, number, date)) def account_list_query(self, date='19700101000000'): return self.authenticated_query(self._acctreq(date)) def post(self, query): i = self.institution logging.debug('posting data to %s' % i.url) logging.debug('---- request ----') logging.debug(query) garbage, path = splittype(i.url) host, selector = splithost(path) h = HTTPSConnection(host) h.request('POST', selector, query, { "Content-type": "application/x-ofx", "Accept": "*/*, application/x-ofx" }) res = h.getresponse() response ='ascii') logging.debug('---- response ----') logging.debug(res.__dict__) logging.debug(response) res.close() return response def next_cookie(self): self.cookie += 1 return str(self.cookie) def header(self): parts = [ "OFXHEADER:100", "DATA:OFXSGML", "VERSION:%d" % int(self.ofx_version), "SECURITY:NONE", "ENCODING:USASCII", "CHARSET:1252", "COMPRESSION:NONE", "OLDFILEUID:NONE", "NEWFILEUID:"+ofx_uid(), "" ] return LINE_ENDING.join(parts) """Generate signon message""" def _signOn(self, username=None, password=None): i = self.institution u = username or i.username p = password or i.password fidata = [_field("ORG",] if fidata.append(_field("FID", client_uid = '' if str(self.ofx_version) == '103': client_uid = _field('CLIENTUID', return _tag("SIGNONMSGSRQV1", _tag("SONRQ", _field("DTCLIENT", now()), _field("USERID", u), _field("USERPASS", p), _field("LANGUAGE", "ENG"), _tag("FI", *fidata), _field("APPID", self.app_id), _field("APPVER", self.app_version), client_uid )) def _acctreq(self, dtstart): req = _tag("ACCTINFORQ", _field("DTACCTUP", dtstart)) return self._message("SIGNUP", "ACCTINFO", req) # this is from _ccreq below and reading page 176 of the latest OFX doc. def _bareq(self, acctid, dtstart, accttype, bankid): req = _tag("STMTRQ", _tag("BANKACCTFROM", _field("BANKID", bankid), _field("ACCTID", acctid), _field("ACCTTYPE", accttype)), _tag("INCTRAN", _field("DTSTART", dtstart), _field("INCLUDE", "Y"))) return self._message("BANK", "STMT", req) def _ccreq(self, acctid, dtstart): req = _tag("CCSTMTRQ", _tag("CCACCTFROM", _field("ACCTID", acctid)), _tag("INCTRAN", _field("DTSTART", dtstart), _field("INCLUDE", "Y"))) return self._message("CREDITCARD", "CCSTMT", req) def _invstreq(self, brokerid, acctid, dtstart): req = _tag("INVSTMTRQ", _tag("INVACCTFROM", _field("BROKERID", brokerid), _field("ACCTID", acctid)), _tag("INCTRAN", _field("DTSTART", dtstart), _field("INCLUDE", "Y")), _field("INCOO", "Y"), _tag("INCPOS", _field("DTASOF", now()), _field("INCLUDE", "Y")), _field("INCBAL", "Y")) return self._message("INVSTMT", "INVSTMT", req) def _message(self, msgType, trnType, request): return _tag(msgType+"MSGSRQV1", _tag(trnType+"TRNRQ", _field("TRNUID", ofx_uid()), _field("CLTCOOKIE", self.next_cookie()), request))
def _field(tag, value): return "<"+tag+">"+value def _tag(tag, *contents): return LINE_ENDING.join(['<'+tag+'>']+list(contents)+['</'+tag+'>']) def now(): return time.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S", time.localtime())