
class ofxclient.Account(number, institution, description=None)[source]

Base class for accounts at an institution

  • number (string) – The account number
  • institution (ofxclient.Institution object) – The bank this belongs to
  • description (string or None) – optional account description

This class is almost never never instantiated on it’s own. Instead, sub-classes are instantiated.

In most cases these subclasses are either being deserialized from a config file entry, a serialization hash, or returned by the ofxclient.Institution.accounts() method.

Example from a saved config entry:

from ofxclient.config import OfxConfig
account = OfxConfig().account('local_id() string')

Example of deserialization:

from ofxclient import BankAccount
# assume 'inst' is an Institution()
a1    = BankAccount(number='asdf',institution=inst)
data1 = a1.serialize()
a2    = Account.deserialize(data1)

Example by querying the bank directly:

from ofxclient import Institution
# assume an Institution() is configured with
# a username/password etc
accounts = institution.accounts()
__init__(number, institution, description=None)[source]


__init__(number, institution[, description])
deserialize(raw) Instantiate ofxclient.Account subclass from dictionary
download([days]) Downloaded OFX response for the given time range
download_parsed([days]) Downloaded OFX response parsed by OfxParser.parse()
from_ofxparse(data, institution) Instantiate ofxclient.Account subclass from ofxparse
local_id() Locally generated unique account identifier.
long_description() Long description of the account (includes institution description).
number_masked() Masked version of the account number for privacy.
serialize() Serialize predictably for use in configuration storage.
statement([days]) Download the ofxparse.Statement given the time range
transactions([days]) Download a a list of ofxparse.Transaction objects